Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Golden Hook

Authors Note: In the writing lab we read a story and didn’t finish it completely. So we had to come up with a reasonable ending of what we think will happen.

A few months after Cody buried Clarence and took home the golden hook. He put it on the shelf right above his trophies in his room. A couple of days after he brought it home he realized that the hook was gone as if it vanished. He searched everywhere but it just didn’t show up. After a while Cody just stopped looking. He didn’t feel that bad since he took if from Clarence. Cody continued to look throughout the days but it still didn’t show up. After that he just stopped looking and caring. Then one day out of the blue the golden hook showed up, and through the days that it was missing Cody was having  karma and bad luck. He hadn’t realized it at first but then when the hook showed up it all seemed to disappear. While the hook was missing Cody kept on dropping some of his most valuable things or losing them. Since that was happening Cody couldn’t figure out why that kept on happening. Until one day later, he realized that he had never had karma before until those past days while the hook was missing. Since Cody didn’t want karma any more he decided to visit Clarence’s grave and return his golden hook. Once he returned the hook Cody’s life continued on and didn’t have any more bad luck.                 

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